Trailwood Logo Trailwood Homeowners Association

Welcome to the Trailwood Homeowners Association!

This is the home of the Trailwood Homeowners Association of Plymouth, Michigan. If you are new to the Trailwood community or have any questions, please email us at and we will respond to you as quickly as possible. You can also contact members of the board for specific HOA questions or needs.

Downtown Plymouth
Streetscape in Downtown Plymouth

Our Focus

The primary functions of the Association are to maintain and improve the commons areas for the benefit of all association homeowners. Other functions that the association are snow plowing of the streets, welcoming new homeowners, and a quarterly newsletter (Trailword). The association also forms special committees as necessary to address any issues that arise.

Our Community

Join us on Facebook to get other updates and to interact with people within the community.

Upcoming Trailwood Events:

Monthly Trailwood HOA Board Meeting
In-person meetings have largely resumed, although there is not a fixed schedule or venue due to board member availability and available meeting space. All meetings that occur are open and it’s a good bet to check our Facebook for meeting times and locations.
Social Events
We regularly sponsor neighborhood socials events. Your best bet for learning about these is to check our Facebook page.

Dues Collection Policy:

Do You Love Trailwood?

If so, we need your help. We have open spots on the association board and we are always looking for people who are looking to help keep Trailwood a great place to live.

Reach out to us by emailing and we will see you at the next monthly board meeting.